Jordan Public Schools
Jordan Public Schools are K-8 and 9-12 schools located in Jordan, MT. Jordan Elementary and Garfield County District High School provide educational services to the students of Jordan and surrounding Garfield County.
Jordan Public schools is on a 4 day school week, open Monday - Thursday.
Our small average class size of 12 provides for a great deal of one on one teaching.
Jordan Elementary standardized test performance is in the top 10% of schools in Montana.
The average ACT score at GCDHS is 22.
Our school has a "Beef to School" program that allows our school to serve only locally produced and processed beef, due to the generosity of local producers and our local processing plant, Ryan's Processing.
We currently have 19 certified teachers on staff, as well as 11 additional classified staff members.
Our athletic programs have seen a great deal of success with state champions and runners up in both track and football and numerous state qualifying trips for boy's and girl's basketball and volleyball.
Jordan is the county seat of Garfield County, Montana and is Garfield County's only incorporated community. The area is home to a rich ranching culture and is located in the world famous, Missouri River Breaks, right next to the massive Ft. Peck Reservoir. Recreational pursuits include: dinosaur digs, fishing, water sports, hunting, trapping, rodeo, and various co-ed sports leagues. This is one of the last areas of Montana where you can still experience Montana as it once was. Big, wide open spaces, friendly people, and Old West values are the hallmark of the Big Dry Country. Come to visit and you'll never want to leave!!

Student Information
Current Enrollment
Jordan Elementary:
K-6 - 80 students
7-8 - 28 students
9-12 - 53 students
Athletic Activities
Track & Field
Academic and Extra-Curricular Activities
Academic Olympics
Business Professionals of America (BPA)
Honor Society
Honor Band/Choir
Student Council
Pep Band
Administrator (Superintendent/Principal)
Business Manager
Administrative Assistant (2)
Maintenance/Janitorial (3)
Head Cook
Assistant Cook
Title 1 Aides (3)
K-12 Librarian
K-12 Counselor
K-12 Music Instructor
K-6 Teachers (7)
7-12 Science Teacher
9-12 English Teacher
7-12 History Teacher
9-12 Math Teacher
7-12 Business Teacher
Wood/Metal Shop 7-12
FaCS 7-12
Jordan Community
ABS Body Shop
Autumn Twitchell Photography
Big Sky Parts
Country Kids Daycare
Dana Phipps Photography
D&S Lumber/DJ Ryan Construction
Farmer's Union Oil Co.
Fellman's Motel
Fly by Night Feeds
Garfield Hotel & Motel
Garfield County Public Library
Hell Creek Bar and Grill
Hell Creek Electric
Hell Creek Marina
Summit Café
Jordan Insurance
Main Hardware
Mane Escape
Mid Rivers Telephone Cooperative
Missouri Breaks Taxidermy
Phipps Construction
Rancher's Bar
R/W Repair
The New U
Y Cross Feeds
Health Services