Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Today’s Lunch: BBQ Pulled Pork on a Bun
Wednesday’s Breakfast: Syrup Day
- There will be a short assembly at the start of 8th hour in the MPR, to recognize the “Voices of Democracy” winners.
- BPA is selling Martinson’s Chocolates and Crumble Cookies, please contact Mrs. Beth if you would like to place an order.
- Wednesday, November 15th a representative from Montana State University-Bozeman will be here from 1:30-2:15 in Mrs. Shawver’s room. Please be sure to check in with your 6th hour teacher before attending the meeting.
- There will be a Jr Class meeting tomorrow 8th hour.
- There will be a BB Parent Meeting, Wednesday, November 15th at 5:00pm in the Library.
- FFA Students leave for the Bozeman Ag Expo at 4:00 pm, Wednesday, November 15th and return on Saturday, November 18th around 9:00 pm.
- Thursday, November 16th is midterms and the first day of basketball practice for boys and girls. Girls 4-5, Boys 5-6.
- Football, Volleyball and JHBB players, please come pick them up your buttons from Miss Drane.
- JHBB Tournaments at Sacred Heart Friday, November 17th and Saturday, November 18th. Times to be announced.
Upcoming Events
November 21, 2023- HSBB pictures. Girls first at 3:15.
November 22-Early Out – 1:12 pm.
December 12-Jordan Community Blood Drive 12:00 – 5:30pm-MPR.