Plevna bus time 12:17, games are 4 (JVB) and 5:30 (VG).
Spectator list below (please contact Brian Bills for additions to the list)(spectators must wear a mask in SE bleachers and no concessions): 1.Jenn Pluhar 2.Jenn Bolinger 3. Justin Bolinger4.Noli Bollinger 5. Trese Bollinger 6. Chip Saylor 7. Amber Saylor 8. Shirley Whiteside 9. Charles Whiteside 10. Amber McDonald 11. Donald McDonald 12. Ed Ryan 13. Lori Ryan 14. Jen Hafla 15. Jacob Beardsley 16. Beth Lawrence 17. Rod Lawrence 18. Mary Pluhar 19. Maury Murnion 20. Carla Murnion 21. Rick Lawrence 22. Beth Murnion 23. Arlene O’Connor 24. Dick O’Connor 25. Autumn Twitchell
almost 4 years ago, Brian Bills
Plevna covid policies:
There will be no Concessions offered.
Spectator seating will be limited to the EAST side of the gymnasium.
Visiting Spectators are limited to the Southeast section of bleachers.
Players, coaches, and team personnel are asked to sit and remain at the “team area” on the West side of the gymnasium.
The State of Montana face-covering mandate is in effect for all spectators, coaches, athletes, staff, etc.
Each Plevna athlete will be given four spectator passes.
The Visiting Team is allowed two spectator passes per player.
No spectator will be admitted without a spectator pass.
almost 4 years ago, Brian Bills
Basketball night in Jordan! Great job peewee basketball players, we have some future stars!
Terry at Jordan: Varsity girls win 58-17, Varsity boys lost 42-61
Next game at Plevna 4 and 5:30 (VG and JVB)... Bus time 12:17 (only players, 2 tickets per player)
almost 4 years ago, Brian Bills
We have two extra tickets back up for grabs for the Melstone game today. Please call the office (557-2259) if you would like them.
almost 4 years ago, JPS Secretary
Extra Melstone Tickets are gone
almost 4 years ago, JPS Secretary
Good luck to basketball today at Melstone! Bus time 12:15, games start at 3 (must have a ticket to enter).
Tomorrow bus time to Winnett has CHANGED to 12:30 for a 3PM start time. 4 full games tomorrow and need to be on the fan list for entry. Please reference Facebook posts from Monday for away Covid policies.
Saturday home with Terry at 5:30 and 7 (varsity only)
almost 4 years ago, Brian Bills
Basketball announcement for Friday at Winnett (not Grass Range).
Game times 3, 4:30, 6, 7:30 (bus is 12PM)
WGR Winter Sports Fan Policy
Per the governor’s mandate, masks and social distancing will be required at game sites.
Four guests will be admitted per home suited athlete or coach, and one guest per manager and team personnel, according to a list provided by the home team.
Two guests will be admitted per away suited athlete or coach, and one guest per manager and team personnel according to the list provided by the visiting team - to include administrators, bookkeepers, and bus drivers.
A sign-in sheet will be present for fans attending for the purposes of contact tracing.
Home and Away fan sections will be marked to limit contact among fans.
Teams will have designated areas so they can properly socially distance while they are on the bench.
Concessions will be available.
almost 4 years ago, Brian Bills
Great home basketball night in Jordan vs. DGS!
JVG win 35-24, VG lose 37-40, and VB win 50-44
We'll see them again on the 22nd in Denton, hopefully with JVB too.
Next game is at Melstone on the 14th at 3PM with all teams. Next HOME game is with Terry on the 16th at 5:30 with varsity only.
almost 4 years ago, Brian Bills
Hats on for a Cause
Thursday Dec. 17 students will be given an opportunity to war their caps all day as part of a fundraiser. Students will need to bring $5 to give to their teacher in order to participate. All proceeds will go to the medical expenses for Aidan Kennelly of Broadus.
almost 4 years ago, JPS Secretary
The Red Ribbon Week theme for today is Mustangs Don’t Do Drugs (Wear your mustang Gear)
about 4 years ago, Jordan Public Schools
The Red Ribbon Week theme for today is Red Out! (Wear Red from Head to Toe)